Want to get 5.8 stars on Covet Fashion? Want to score a perfect scoring?
If yes, here is list of Tips to consider to get 5.8 stars on Covet Fashion.
But, along with those tips, you'll be required to learn from others and be in latest trend using Facebook groups and communities.

Image Credit: Covet Fashion Angels [Link]
List of Best Facebook groups for Covet Fashion:
Before joining any groups, please do check their groups' terms and conditions to avoid rejection. Spamming or any other malpractice might get your out of these groups.
Here is the list of top Facebook group for Covet Fashion.
Facebook groups for Covet Fashion:
Subreddit (r) for Covet Fashion:
If you're a part of any other groups/communities (genuine) or know any other apart from above mentioned; related to Covet Fashion, then please feel free to comment the link. I would love to edit and add to the list of Best Facebook groups and communities.