in Literature by (257k points)

Read the extracts given below and answers the questions that follow:

Two roads diverged in yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And locked down once as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;


  1.  At which point in the woods, the poet had reached?
  2.  Why was the traveller feeling sorry?
  3.  Where did the first road lead to?
  4.  Give the opposite to ‘met at a point’ from the passage?
  5.  At what point did the roads diverge?
  6.  At what point did one road lead to?
  7.  Was the traveller feeling sorry?
  8.  What does ‘yellow wood’ stand for?

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  1. At which point in the woods, the poet had reached?
    Ans: The poet is standing at a point where two roads diverged in the yellow wood.
  2. Why was the traveller feeling sorry?
    : The poet is feeling sorry because he could not travel on both the roads.
  3. Where did the first road lead to?
    Ans: dense forest
  4. Give the opposite to ‘met at a point’ from the passage?
    Ans: diverged
  5. At what point did the roads diverge?
    Ans: The roads diverged in the yellow wood.
  6. At what point did one road lead to?
    Ans: The first road led to dense growth of plants and animals.
  7. Was the traveller feeling sorry?
    Ans: Yes, the traveller was feeling sorry.
  8.  What does ‘yellow wood’ stand for?
    Ans: Autumn season

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