in Education by (257k points)

Question: Martha and Rose work in the same office, and have worked on several projects together. Martha, a middle-aged African-American woman, was surprised when Rose, a young white woman, was given a supervisory position for which Martha thought she was more qualified.

Rose has worked for FEMA for only a short time In order to minimize the potential of a charge of age and/or race discrimination, Rose’s supervisor should:


  1.  Tell Martha she will be considered for the next supervisory opening.
  2.  Prepare statistics to show an increase in minority promotions over the past 5 years.
  3.  Have records proving Rose was better qualified for the job.
  4.  Tell Martha she doesn’t have the right attitude and leadership skills to be a supervisor.

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3. Have records proving Rose was better qualified for the job.

Martha and Rose work in the same office, and have worked on several projects together. Martha, a middle-aged African-American woman, was surprised when Rose, a young white woman, was given a supervisory position for which Martha thought she was more qualified.

Rose has worked for FEMA for only a short time In order to minimize the potential of a charge of age and/or race discrimination, Rose’s supervisor should have records proving Rose was better qualified for the job.

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