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DoD CUI Quiz 2023-24 - MCQs Answer

This post contains a collection of most asked MCQ questions and answers of DoD Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

The course provides information on finding, marking, safeguarding, decontrolling and destroying CUI along with identifying and reporting security incidents.

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1 Answer

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ago by (973k points)
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Best answer

DoD Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) - Full Answer

1. What DoD Instruction implements the DoD CUI Program?
 → DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information.

2. Who is responsible for applying CUI markings and dissemination instructions?
 → Authorized holder of the information at the time of creation.

3. What is the purpose of the ISOO CUI Registry?
 → A government-wide online repository for Federal-level guidance regarding CUI policy and practice.

4. Information may be CUI in accordance with:
 → Law, regulation, or government-wide policy

5. Who is responsible for protecting CUI?
 → DoD military, civilians, and contractors

6. In order to obtain access to CUI, an individual must first have:
 → A lawful government purpose

7. CUI documents must be reviewed according to which procedures before destruction?
 → Records Management

8. What marking (banner and footer) acronym (at a minimum) is required on a DoD document containing controlled unclassified information?
 → CUI

9. What level of system and network configuration is required for CUI?
 → Moderate confidentiality

10. At the time of creation of CUI material the authorized holder is responsible for determining:
 → CUI category, CUI markings and dissemination instructions.

11. The correct banner marking for UNCLASSIFIED documents with CUI is:
 → CUI

12. The correct banner marking for a co-mingled document containing TOP SECRET, SECRET, and CUI is:

13. What is CUI Basic?
 → The subset of CUI for which the authorizing law, regulation, or Government-wide policy does not set out specific handling or dissemination controls.

14. What is controlled unclassified information (CUI)?
 → Unclassified information requiring safeguarding and dissemination controls, pursuant to and consistent with applicable laws, regulations and government wide policies.

15. Who can decontrol CUI?
 → All of the above
   - OCA, if in a Security Classification Guide
   - Designated office for decontrolling

16. What is the goal of destroying CUI?
 → All of the above
   - Make it unreadable
   - Make it indecipherable
   - Make it unrecoverable

17. What is CUI Specified?
 → The subset of CUI in which the authorizing law, regulation, or government-wide policy contains specific handling controls that it requires or permits agencies to use.

18. Administrative, civil, or criminal sanctions may be imposed if there is an unauthorized disclosure (UD) of CUI?
 → True

19. It is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present.
 → True

20. I don’t have a security clearance, so I don’t have to get a pre-publication review.
 → False

ago by (735k points)
Thanks for sharing this. Saved a lot of time.

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