in Education by (257k points)

Question: Which of the following is a TRUE statement about sheltering in place?


  1.  Sheltering in place is intended as a long-term response, so you should take sufficient work materials with you to stay busy for several days.
  2.  Sheltering in place is typically used in the case of a building fire, so you should activate the nearest fire alarm as you leave your work station.
  3.  When a shelter-in-place notice is given, you should follow instructions from the Occupant Emergency Team, moving to an alternate interior location if directed.
  4.  As you move toward a shelter-in-place location, you should stay near exterior walls and windows and open as many interior doors as possible.

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1 Answer

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by (735k points)
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Best answer

3. When a shelter-in-place notice is given, you should follow instructions from the Occupant Emergency Team, moving to an alternate interior location if directed.

The statement "when a shelter-in-place notice is given, you should follow instructions from the Occupant Emergency Team, moving to an alternate interior location if directed" is  True  about sheltering in place.

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