in Education by (257k points)

Question: If you experience a tire blowout, you should:


  1.  look ahead, hold the steering wheel tightly, and concentrate on keeping the vehicle in your lane
  2.  Gradually take your foot off the accelerator, letting the car roll to a near stop- then you can gently apply the brakes
  3.  Turn on your emergency flashers to alert other road users
  4.  All of the above

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by (973k points)
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4. All of the above

If you experience a tire blowout, you should:

  • look ahead, hold the steering wheel tightly, and concentrate on keeping the vehicle in your lane
  • Gradually take your foot off the accelerator, letting the car roll to a near stop- then you can gently apply the brakes
  • Turn on your emergency flashers to alert other road users

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