in Education by (257k points)

Question: How does the GeoCONOPS’ alignment to federal doctrine benefit the geospatial community?


  1.  Broadens access and visibility of the GeoCONOPS effort by other missions using geospatial information for decision support
  2.  Allows situational awareness for understanding location, context, and inter-dependencies necessary for effective integration and information sharing
  3.  Provides the necessary overlapping information to tie together all federal doctrine
  4.  Both 1 & 2
  5.  Both 2 & 3

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by (735k points)
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4. Both 1 & 2

The GeoCONOPS’ alignment to federal doctrine benefit the geospatial community in

  • Broadens access and visibility of the GeoCONOPS effort by other missions using geospatial information for decision support
  • Allows situational awareness for understanding location, context, and inter-dependencies necessary for effective integration and information sharing

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