in Education by (257k points)

Question: Employees who cannot evacuate, relocate, or move to the assembly area under their own power:


  1.  Should identify coworkers who could assist them in the event of an emergency.
  2.  Should be encouraged to telework to reduce the potential hazards associated with evacuations.
  3.  Must submit a “Request For Access and Functional Needs Assistance” FEMA Form 119-0-3
  4.  Must be assigned to work on a first-floor office near exit areas.

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3. Must submit a “Request For Access and Functional Needs Assistance” FEMA Form 119-0-3

Employees who cannot evacuate, relocate, or move to the assembly area under their own power must submit a “Request For Access and Functional Needs Assistance” FEMA Form 119-0-3.

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