in Education by (257k points)

Question: Chris, a FEMA educational specialist is working with a local university to develop a fire safety training program for FEMA employees. The university offers Chris a part-time consulting job on developing fire safety courses. Which of the following should Chris do?


  1.  Turn down the job because it would create a conflict of interest.
  2.  Accept the job because it is related to the training program being developed.
  3.  Defer payment until Chris’ official duties associated with the university are finished.
  4.  Agree to teach the course because the salary is minimal.

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1 Answer

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by (973k points)
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Best answer

1. Turn down the job because it would create a conflict of interest.

Chris, a FEMA educational specialist is working with a local university to develop a fire safety training program for FEMA employees.

The university offers Chris a part-time consulting job on developing fire safety courses. Chris should turn down the job because it would create a conflict of interest.

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