in Education by (257k points)

Question: A supervisor was interviewing a female applicant for a position that would require extensive out-of-town travel to rough areas. The supervisor commented that “as a woman,” she probably would have trouble with the travel “because it is dangerous.”


  1.  The supervisor, after telling the woman of the job requirements and locations, should have allowed her to decide if she wanted the position.
  2.  The supervisor was acting in accordance with FEMA’s safety policies in warning the woman that she wouldn’t want to travel to dangerous locations.
  3.  The supervisor isn’t allowed to say anything about the danger of the territory, and should simply choose the best qualified applicant for the job.
  4.  The supervisor should not have interviewed the woman for the job in the first place if it was too dangerous for a woman to do it.

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1 Answer

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by (973k points)
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1. The supervisor, after telling the woman of the job requirements and locations, should have allowed her to decide if she wanted the position.

A supervisor was interviewing a female applicant for a position that would require extensive out-of-town travel to rough areas. The supervisor commented that “as a woman,” she probably would have trouble with the travel “because it is dangerous.”

The supervisor, after telling the woman of the job requirements and locations, should have allowed her to decide if she wanted the position.

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