in Education by (257k points)

Question: A rock festival has been planned for this weekend. The promoter and sponsor have been advertising the festival for weeks. On the day before the event, large crowds of teens and young adults swarmed into the are Many spent the night drinking and using drugs. By the morning of the event, several fights had already broken out between competing local gangs. The Mayor and City Council want to cancel the festival, but the sponsor is balking. Which statement below describes the preferable way to deal with such an event?


  1.  Private security guards should have negotiated with the gangs.
  2.  A barrier should have been erected to separate the gang members.
  3.  The Mayor and City Council should have taken control and canceled the event.
  4.  Agreement on who could cancel the event should have been reached during event planning.

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1 Answer

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Best answer

4. Agreement on who could cancel the event should have been reached during event planning.

A rock festival has been planned for this weekend. The promoter and sponsor have been advertising the festival for weeks. On the day before the event, large crowds of teens and young adults swarmed into the are Many spent the night drinking and using drugs.

By the morning of the event, several fights had already broken out between competing local gangs. The Mayor and City Council want to cancel the festival, but the sponsor is balking. Statement which describes the preferable way to deal with such an event is: Agreement on who could cancel the event should have been reached during event planning.

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