in Jobs & Employment by (257k points)

Question: Under EPCRA, Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) are charged with the responsibility to:


  1.  Regulate hazardous materials within State borders
  2.  Write local ordinances to promote emergency preparedness
  3.  Inspect local factories to ensure compliance with Federal legislation
  4.  Develop an emergency plan to respond to hazardous materials incidents

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1 Answer

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by (973k points)
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4. Develop an emergency plan to respond to hazardous materials incidents

Under EPCRA, Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) are charged with the responsibility to develop an emergency plan to respond to hazardous materials incidents.

More information:

Under EPCRA, LEPC help develop plan and prepare for emergencies response, especially those related to high-risk toxic materials' exposure.

They are also required to provide information on chemicals and hazards of area/place to the nearby residents.

(Source link)

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